Chaolei Tan

I'm a first-year Ph.D. student at Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Prof. Long Chen. I obtained my Master's degree from Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) in 2024, where I was supervised by Prof. Jian-Fang Hu and Prof. Wei-Shi Zheng. Prior to that, I also received my Bachelor's degree from SYSU in 2021.

My research interests lie in computer vision, machine learning and multimedia, with a special focus on developing models that can learn general and high-level knowledge about the world from multi-modality data like videos and language.

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2024-07: One paper is accepted to ACM MM 2024.

2024-02: Two papers are accepted to CVPR 2024.

2023-02: Two papers are accepted to CVPR 2023.

2022-05: I win the championship of PIC Challenge HCVG Track at ACM MM 2022.

2021-06: I receive the Best Paper Award of CVPR 2021 PIC Workshop.

Selected Publications

* indicates equal contributions. See the full list in Google Scholar

SynopGround: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Paragraph Video Grounding from TV Dramas and Synopses
Chaolei Tan*, Zihang Lin*, Junfu Pu, Zhongang Qi, Wei-Yi Pei, Zhi Qu, Yexin Wang, Ying Shan, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024
Paper/ Project Page

A large-scale video dataset with densely annotated paragraph timestamps to enable the new research direction of multi-paragraph video grounding on both long-form videos and long-term queries.

Siamese Learning with Joint Alignment and Regression for Weakly-Supervised Video Paragraph Grounding
Chaolei Tan, Jianhuang Lai, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024

First attempt to explore weakly-supervised setting of video paragraph grounding, where a siamese learning framework jontly conducting feature alignment and boundary regression is proposed.

Hierarchical Semantic Correspondence Networks for Video Paragraph Grounding
Chaolei Tan, Zihang Lin, Jian-Fang Hu, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jianhuang Lai
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

Introducing hierarchical modeling into video paragraph grounding by hierarchically aligning semantic correspondence across videos and paragraphs for temporal decoding at multiple granularities.

Ranking Distillation for Open-Ended Video Question Answering with Insufficient Labels
Tianming Liang, Chaolei Tan, Beihao Xia, Wei-Shi Zheng, Jian-Fang Hu
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024

Tackle the incomplete annotation issues in open-ended video question answering with ranking distillation.

Collaborative Static and Dynamic Vision-Language Streams for Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
Zihang Lin, Chaolei Tan, Jian-Fang Hu, Zhi Jin, Tiancai Ye, Wei-Shi Zheng
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

To model the collaborative static and dynamic vision-language streams for better spatio-temporal video grounding.


Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering

HKUST, Clear Water Bay

Aug. 2024 - Present

Advisor: Prof. Long Chen

M.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology

Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou

Sep. 2021 - Jun. 2024

Advisors: Prof. Jian-Fang Hu and Prof. Wei-Shi Zheng

B.Eng. in Telecommunication Engineering

Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou

Sep. 2017 - Jun. 2021

GPA: 4.12/5.0, Ranking: 2/81


Research Intern in Computer Vision

Tencent ARC Lab, Shenzhen

Jul. 2023 - Jun. 2024

Mentors: Dr. Junfu Pu and Dr. Zhongang Qi

Research Intern in Computer Vision

Tencent WeChat, Guangzhou

Jul. 2021 - Jan. 2023

Mentor: Mr. Tiancai Ye

Honors and Awards

  • HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship
  • SYSU Outstanding Master's Dissertation Award
  • 1st Place Award of PIC Challenge HCVG Track at ACM MM 2022
  • Best Paper Award of PIC Workshop at CVPR 2021
  • SYSU Guangdong Guangda Further Study Scholarship
  • Guangdong Soong Ching-ling Scholarship

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